Pet Shop

You Ready To Meet Your Friend to the End?

In the heart of our town, we've got a secret sauce for eternal companionship – our pets live just as long as you do. How, you ask? Well, that's a trade secret we'll take to our grave, just like our pets won't take you to yours.

Founded by Dr. Roxas "Immortality Whisperer" Hartley, our shop is not your average animal emporium. It's where your new best friend won't be sending you sympathy cards anytime soon. No more worrying about who'll feed Fido when you're pushing up daisies.

Our selection is like a fountain of youth for pets – dogs, cats, parrots, you name it – they'll be there for you through thick and thin, and thin again. So, whether you're into midnight snacks or just want someone to binge-watch old sitcoms with, our pets are in it for the long haul.

We can't spill the beans on our secret sauce, but we can promise you a lifetime (and then some) of tail-wagging, purring, and chirping joy. Swing by The Last Pet Shop, where our pets have one life motto: "Outlive and Outlove." And remember, at our place, pets aren't just for Christmas; they're forever. Literally.